Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Habitat for Humanity, 07 May 2008

On this Wednesday, NYCEA/D participated in an HfH (Habitat for Humanity) event on Roosevelt, Long Island. It was nice to work together knowing that we were helping others. I do not think most of us should quit our day jobs to enter the construction industry, but we did a good job - so we were told. Gabriele and I were happy to lend a hand, while Ingrid and June led the charge with the staple guns. Jan-Philippe Wimmer really got into the swing. Stefan Wiegmann doubted that he would live in a house built by Lufthansa. In his orange shirt Ricardo Bonnet was most obvious. Steve Hargin (in his navy T-shirt) and other NYCEA/D team members did keep busy wrapping the house in Tyvek. The staple gun and the hammer were the most popular tools of the day, allowing some to get out their frustration.

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