Friday, April 21, 2006

My Colleagues in Germany

I am fortunate to work with a terrific group of people.

Gautam, Sven, Wolfgang and Michael are not only colleagues, but also friends. We work together in Frankfurt, Germany on a project involving a contract management tool.

We have stress, but a lot of laughs color the days.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Short Stay in Chennai/Madras, India in August 2005

A business trip in August of 2005 sent me to Chennai (erstwhile Madras) in southern India. After the business aspect of the trip had been completed, there was time, fortunately, to visit Mahabalipuram (also known as Mamallapuram). The ancient seaside town of Mamallapuram is situated on the shore of the Bay of Bengal and offers visitors the chance to see some lovely Hindu temples. We enjoyed the day very much, touring Arjuna's Penance (a base-relief in rock), shore and cave temples, Krishna's butter ball (a huge boulder) and watching waves.

Indian food is unquestionably one of my favorite cuisines. That is a picture of me, devouring almost everything and anything that was set in front of me. I do like to eat, very much, but I also do love to exercise. We ate so much scrumptious seafood, prepared with various Indian spices, and so wonderful Indian delicacies.

Here are some pictures from Mahaballipuram, which I hope you enjoy:

I am including a picture of Ganesh, the Hindu god to whom one prays in order to have obstacles removed so goals can be achieved. We all can use good luck!