Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Lufthansa's own Holly Golightly from "Breakfast at Tiffany's"

I wish to show you a simply lovely photo of a most terrific lady at Lufthansa. Her name is Ortrud - she is a very small-boned lady with a powerful Wagnerian-opera sobriquet/moniker. She has such terrific green eyes and is always so fashionably dressed.

Managerial Congratulations for TIGER Project, October 2007

Well, here you can see some of the TIGER project members. Some of my colleagues refer to this picture as the "Flintstone Family Portrait". Hey, it is important to maintain a sense of humor.
By the way, the TIGER project was the first joint Lufthansa (LH) and Swiss (LX) undertaking, and its purpose was to create a joint contract management tool, bearing in mind flexibility and sustainability for the future. It is highly possible that other STAR Alliance partners would conceivably use TIGER as harmonization among the airlines increases.
By the way, the Lufthansa headquarters in Frankfurt is called the Lufthansa Aviation Center. Here is the Web site for further information and a brief overview: