Sunday, December 10, 2006

2007 - A New Year Has Begun!

I am so thrilled that 2006 is behind us all! It was a turbulent year, albeit filled with wonderful and pleasant events, too. However, full throttle ahead with 2007. So say that Nostradamus predicted a wonderful time in 2007; others adhering to some superstitious tenets (which I also often believe) exclaim that 2007 will be terrific because the year ends in an odd digit.
Wishing us all an amazing, fulfilling, joyful, happy, prosperous and healthy New Year 2007!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

FRA XV Saint Nikolaus Tag Klausur 06 Dezember 2006 in Frankfurt at Mönchbruch Mühle

Lufthansa loves consisting of many departments, each of which has its very own special three-letter abbreviation. In order to continue Arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahmen for everyone, the departmental abbreviations change almost every one to two years, on average. Anyway, I belong officially to FRA XV and we celebrated the close of the year at a very gemütlich, German-style lodge in the woods not far from the airport. Two pictures of the fun-filled day are included.

One picture shows me with Tom Rathbone and Klaudia Reif; the other picture illustrates the entire XV/X Team, a subdepartment to which I belong. The event was a success and a good way to usher in the Christmas season, while simultaneously wrapping up and bidding farewell to 2006.

September 2006 Visit Home to NYC

I went home to celebrate my Mother's birthday with my family in September 2006. It is always a pleasure to be home, but especially this time. It was a perfect ten-day period on Long Island for me, enhanced by time with my parents and some dear friends. Denise, Diane and I met in a restaurant to catch up, proverbially speaking. The photographs in this section communicate the upbeat, positive and happy mood. Both ladies are so refreshingly uncomplicated, straightforward and lovely.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Day of The Final World Cup Soccer Match 2006, 09 July 2006

Stacia, Randy and I happened to be walking around on Sunday, 09 July, the last day of the World Cup 2006 soccer matches - the final match was Italy vs. France. As we were in Frankfurt in the viewing area, we encountered Larry and Uwe. Together we all went to dinner in Alt Sachsenhausen and enjoyed the evening.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Schulfest at Minna Specht Schule in Frankfurt, 08 July 2006

My friend Tanja is a spectacular teacher at the Minna Specht Schule (an elementary school) here in Frankfurt. She graciously invited me to this institution's festival, staged every year at the end of the school year. The schoolchildren sang and danced, along with providing various games and displays. It was a terrific time! Three of Tanja's students - Yousra, Alina and Sumeyye - showed me their classroom. They are such sweet, polite and intelligent little girls!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Tanja Falkenberg's Birthday Party

On 21 June 2006 my friend Tanja (the lovely blonde next to me) celebrated her birthday. In keeping with the omnipresent soccer/football atmosphere, she baked a "soccer" cake and offered face painting to those willing to mimic the antics of Putty, the ultimate fan on the American television comedy series "Seinfeld". Along with a very pretty and special little guest at Tanja's party, I also decided to show some German spirit....why not...this soccer fever is contagious! This is definitely one of those occasions on which the proverbial expression 'when in Rome, do as the Romans do' rings true.

Soccer Sunday in WM 2006 Country

On Sunday, 18 June 2006, three of us went to see the large viewing screen erected in Frankfurt for the World Cup Soccer 2006 Event. Larry, Uwe and I enjoyed the ferris wheel ride - here is a photo of Larry and I eagerly awaiting the next available carriage:

Perhaps the most exciting and interesting part of this 2006 World Cup is the spirit of the soccer (or football, as most people in the world term it) fans.

The Germans have done a splendid job with the entire organization of the event. A double-faced screen is in the middle of the Main in Frankfurt, close to the Römer and Eisener Steg, to enable all to enjoy the soccer/football matches.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Arabian Fantasy Night in Bad Nauheim, Hessen, Germany on 03 June 2006

My lovely friend Asra has a very special and unique ability - she does henna body painting. As most already know, the World Cup Soccer matches for 2006 are being played in various cities in Germany. In order to celebrate the participation of the Saudi Arabian soccer team in Germany, the members of which happened to be staying in a hotel in Bad Nauheim, a special event was held. The theme was Arabian Fantasy and my friend Asra contributed her outstanding work with henna. Attached are some photographs, one of Asra and me, and the others of Asra's amazing creativity.

On this evening Asra decorated 80 hands in total, one of them being mine.

Indians and Arabic-speaking peoples tend to use henna painting for very significant celebrations. One must wait for the henna to dry, apply a coating of sugar mixed with lemon water and then wait until the henna has dried completely to the point of falling off by itself. The remaining design lasts approximately two to four weeks, depending upon the individual's skin.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Flying with Frank

Frank is a special friend of Stacia...he is a superb traveling companion and the perfect man, according to Stacia. He likes to go everywhere and anywhere, does not complain and demands no particular care. The main problem he suffers from is that which every other being with naturally curly hair has - lots of frizz on rainy days and "flat head" when flying! As I myself have naturally curly hair, I am fully sympathetic to Frank's plight. (I do hope you are reading this with a sense of humor...!)

Here is a picture of me with Frank, taken by Stacia on a Lufthansa flight from Frankfurt to NYC :

Friday, April 21, 2006

My Colleagues in Germany

I am fortunate to work with a terrific group of people.

Gautam, Sven, Wolfgang and Michael are not only colleagues, but also friends. We work together in Frankfurt, Germany on a project involving a contract management tool.

We have stress, but a lot of laughs color the days.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Short Stay in Chennai/Madras, India in August 2005

A business trip in August of 2005 sent me to Chennai (erstwhile Madras) in southern India. After the business aspect of the trip had been completed, there was time, fortunately, to visit Mahabalipuram (also known as Mamallapuram). The ancient seaside town of Mamallapuram is situated on the shore of the Bay of Bengal and offers visitors the chance to see some lovely Hindu temples. We enjoyed the day very much, touring Arjuna's Penance (a base-relief in rock), shore and cave temples, Krishna's butter ball (a huge boulder) and watching waves.

Indian food is unquestionably one of my favorite cuisines. That is a picture of me, devouring almost everything and anything that was set in front of me. I do like to eat, very much, but I also do love to exercise. We ate so much scrumptious seafood, prepared with various Indian spices, and so wonderful Indian delicacies.

Here are some pictures from Mahaballipuram, which I hope you enjoy:

I am including a picture of Ganesh, the Hindu god to whom one prays in order to have obstacles removed so goals can be achieved. We all can use good luck!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

COMMIT Project Tool Training in BKK, December 2005

I love to travel...everywhere! I would definitely consider myself a global citizen. Simultaneously, I am also a family person - love my parents, pets, other family members and friends dearly.

Larry Bloom is the project trainer. He is a colleague and friend - here is a photograph of Larry, with two lovely participants in the December 2005 Bangkok training we conducted.

Underneath is the group picture of all of the terrific Lufthansa employees who took part in the December program:

Not only the traveling, but also the friendships and acquaintances developed make working at Lufthansa an invaluable experience! The world is truly an ineffably beautiful and amazing place, in its variety of cultures, landscapes, animals, plants and people.

A New Year Has Begun!

Well, 2006 has begun with a BANG! Wishing everyone out there a wonderful, magical 2006. May your promises, wishes and hopes be fulfilled. Personally, I am looking forward to good things in 2006, including positive changes and happiness in all ways.

Here is a picture of me with two colleagues, Sven and Gautam, at work in Frankfurt: