Thursday, February 02, 2006

COMMIT Project Tool Training in BKK, December 2005

I love to travel...everywhere! I would definitely consider myself a global citizen. Simultaneously, I am also a family person - love my parents, pets, other family members and friends dearly.

Larry Bloom is the project trainer. He is a colleague and friend - here is a photograph of Larry, with two lovely participants in the December 2005 Bangkok training we conducted.

Underneath is the group picture of all of the terrific Lufthansa employees who took part in the December program:

Not only the traveling, but also the friendships and acquaintances developed make working at Lufthansa an invaluable experience! The world is truly an ineffably beautiful and amazing place, in its variety of cultures, landscapes, animals, plants and people.

A New Year Has Begun!

Well, 2006 has begun with a BANG! Wishing everyone out there a wonderful, magical 2006. May your promises, wishes and hopes be fulfilled. Personally, I am looking forward to good things in 2006, including positive changes and happiness in all ways.

Here is a picture of me with two colleagues, Sven and Gautam, at work in Frankfurt: