Thursday, July 13, 2006

Day of The Final World Cup Soccer Match 2006, 09 July 2006

Stacia, Randy and I happened to be walking around on Sunday, 09 July, the last day of the World Cup 2006 soccer matches - the final match was Italy vs. France. As we were in Frankfurt in the viewing area, we encountered Larry and Uwe. Together we all went to dinner in Alt Sachsenhausen and enjoyed the evening.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Schulfest at Minna Specht Schule in Frankfurt, 08 July 2006

My friend Tanja is a spectacular teacher at the Minna Specht Schule (an elementary school) here in Frankfurt. She graciously invited me to this institution's festival, staged every year at the end of the school year. The schoolchildren sang and danced, along with providing various games and displays. It was a terrific time! Three of Tanja's students - Yousra, Alina and Sumeyye - showed me their classroom. They are such sweet, polite and intelligent little girls!