Sunday, December 10, 2006

2007 - A New Year Has Begun!

I am so thrilled that 2006 is behind us all! It was a turbulent year, albeit filled with wonderful and pleasant events, too. However, full throttle ahead with 2007. So say that Nostradamus predicted a wonderful time in 2007; others adhering to some superstitious tenets (which I also often believe) exclaim that 2007 will be terrific because the year ends in an odd digit.
Wishing us all an amazing, fulfilling, joyful, happy, prosperous and healthy New Year 2007!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

FRA XV Saint Nikolaus Tag Klausur 06 Dezember 2006 in Frankfurt at Mönchbruch Mühle

Lufthansa loves consisting of many departments, each of which has its very own special three-letter abbreviation. In order to continue Arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahmen for everyone, the departmental abbreviations change almost every one to two years, on average. Anyway, I belong officially to FRA XV and we celebrated the close of the year at a very gemütlich, German-style lodge in the woods not far from the airport. Two pictures of the fun-filled day are included.

One picture shows me with Tom Rathbone and Klaudia Reif; the other picture illustrates the entire XV/X Team, a subdepartment to which I belong. The event was a success and a good way to usher in the Christmas season, while simultaneously wrapping up and bidding farewell to 2006.

September 2006 Visit Home to NYC

I went home to celebrate my Mother's birthday with my family in September 2006. It is always a pleasure to be home, but especially this time. It was a perfect ten-day period on Long Island for me, enhanced by time with my parents and some dear friends. Denise, Diane and I met in a restaurant to catch up, proverbially speaking. The photographs in this section communicate the upbeat, positive and happy mood. Both ladies are so refreshingly uncomplicated, straightforward and lovely.